10 Ways to Make the Best of School Holidays

10 Ways to Make the Best of School Holidays

  • Post Time - 2022-07-18 13:12:18

Here are 10 Golden Advices on How to Best Use School Breaks:


1- Sports:

School Holidays are a good time to engage your kids, as young as 3-year- olds, in sports. There's an intriguing need nowadays for kids to engage in sports and different kinds of physical activities to face the sweeping effect of technology and online media on them. Football, gymnastics, swimming, tennis, basketball, running, cycling, are all amazing sports to engage your kids in and which will have great impact on their physical, mental and spiritual well-being. It's a way of enhancing their fitness as well as social skills as they're considered a great way to make new friends and get to know new people. It's also a great way to commit to healthy eating and fighting obesity.



2- Family Gatherings:

Fostering good family ties is also a great way of spending school vacation. It's a good chance for your kids to get to know more about their family, especially members who live far away or perhaps in different states. It's good to arrange big and small family gatherings for kids to mingle and get to play and get to know one another. Also It gives children a good sense of belonging, knowing they're part of a bigger loving family, with many members, most of which can be very good friends and who'd alway be a strong source of support.


3- Charity:

Depending on how old or mature your kids are, engaging them in charity work is perhaps a marvelous way to foster a sense of giving and loving emotions for the poor and the needy. You don't really have to take them to the orphanage to save them the emotional pain if this is something they wouldn't stand emotionally. But you can take them to the market to buy some selected goods to send to charity organizations helping the homeless, the elders as well as orphans.


You may as well ask them to clean up their closet and gather all their unwanted stuff and clothes to send to give away as a means of helping poor people.


Another means of engaging in charity work is volunteering in charity events, at the community clubhouse for instance, community school or state university among others.

You may as well, arrange with other mothers in the neighborhood to get kids to plant or renew the street garden and plant new trees or flowers. It would also enhance their taste and sense of beauty, and get them to be willing to work and do some tasks voluntarily without asking for a reward!


All these are different ways of filling their time in a meaningful way and committing them to serving others and giving back to the community.


4- Share in House Chores:

Another smart way to fill your kids time during school breaks is to get them help around the house. Never think that your kids find house chores boring. Sometimes, washing dishes, organizing the closet or helping with cleaning are even more interesting than playing with the very same toys they play with everyday or spending more screen time as they do everyday.


Cheering their great efforts in helping you at the house at least for one single day a week, or even their willingness to do so can foster more willingness within them to do that more often.


A study published on Live Science  found that children when asked to be their parents' "helper" at the house were more willing to share in house chores than those who were just asked to "help." Giving your kids positive and appreciative titles when helping you and doing house work will reinforce their eagerness to be good and do a good job, as they would want to identify with such titles.


5- Connecting to Nature:

Taking your kids on trips to explore nature as well as desert adventures, or courses depending on their age, would be a great way to connect to nature, appreciate its beauty and commit to preserving its original well-being and beauty. Also engaging them in spiritual activities such as different types of Meditation and Yoga, together with being out in the far desert and forests can rejuvenate their spiritual being and boost their self-love and love for life and the world.


Another great activity would be engaging them in community arranged events, or arranging one yourself where you can get the neighbor kids engaged, collectively in nature cleanups, going to the fields, the deserts or nearby forests, protectorates and gardens to do cleanups every now and then.


6- Reading:

Getting your kids to have a reading hour everyday can be the best habit you can cultivate in them that would have a life-altering impact on them for the rest of their lives. Nothing can be better for cultivating a balanced personality and one that's open to a world full of opportunities and is rich in every way than raising a kid who loves reading. A kid who loves ready will remain so for the rest of his life. Reading  is tapping into an endless ocean of thoughts, knowledge and creative thinking.

Developing good reading skills also means developing discipline and a creative mind as well as a tranquil soul.


Also reading for your children can be a great way of fostering great emotional ties and connectivity with them, besides being the greatest quality time you can spend together, preferable before going to bed.


A Study on Toddlers Cognitive Development  as a result of being read aloud to has found that :“a child care provider reads to a toddler. And in a matter of seconds, thousands of cells in these children’s growing brains respond. Some brain cells are ‘turned on,’ triggered by this particular experience. Many existing connections among brain cells are strengthened. At the same time, new brain cells are formed, adding a bit more definition and complexity to the intricate circuitry that will remain largely in place for the rest of these children’s lives.”


7- Family Trips:

Another great way to spend summer vacation is arranging family trips and engaging your kids in such arrangements. Going to the seaside or a near-by state can be a great way for the family to reconnect and break free from daily life routine and stress. Leave behind all your tablets and tech gadgets to make more time to connect, talk and have fun together. Take with you perhaps one cell phone so that you can use it when in an emergency.  Build sand castles, have long walks and visit new places. These are all great way to foster strong family bonds, after long months of stress, mandatory tasks and spending long house away from one another.


8- Set Goals and Higher Aims

Help your kids develop progressive thinking and strong will. Have them outline a simple plan for which they want to achieve at least during the few weeks of summer holidays and get them to write it down and share it with you. Let them develop the ability and habit of willing and planning for a matter and working hard to achieve it. Also nurture in them the need to have clear goals in life and how to do so. Also show them the benefit of having clear goals.


9- Develop New Habits:

 It is said that it takes a person 21 days to develop a new habit. That’s why summer vacation is a great chance to help your children develop new positive habits that would help them in the long term. Try to make it a fun thing to do. For example, let them share with you the process of planning and jotting down the set of new habits to develop such as: healthy eating, early sleeping, exercising, limiting screen time among others.


Make incentives for those who manage to develop and commit to a new habit and sort of a funny punishment for those who don’t, including your own self.


10- Taking Courses:

 There are many courses that can sharpen your kids' different skills. Cooking, art, photography, and fashion designing can be great courses for your children depending on their skills. Among the very famous courses that have become very popular in recent years are "Coding Courses", which allow them to learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript through different lessons and tests. They may physically attend such courses, which is als a great way to meet new kids adn make new friends. ,or even attending online, given the rising new wave of Covid19.


There's always a way of learning new things and skills.


Making the best time of summer breaks is a smart way to prepare your kids for the new academic year and prepare them for life in general.


Do invest time and effort in your kids. For indeed they are the best investment of your life.


Good Luck :)


Maha Youssuf

Mamas' Guides Editor.


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