A great share of a person's knowledge about life and his his personality is shaped by his dealing with those who are the closest to him, namely, his mom and dad and probably siblings- especially if he or she has older siblings. And this is a great chance for parents to seize and pour into his perception and mentality some of the golden lessons about life that are capable of shifting the way he or she will perceive and live their lives forever and for good.

Of course gathering the most important life lessons to teach our children cannot be simply fit into one single article or post, but tens and perhaps hundreds of posts. However there are Six Main Lessons about Life that each person should grasp very early in his life and enrich his understanding of such lessons throughout his journey of life.

First of these Life lessons is; Your Health Is Your Treasure:

Yes, one cannot go about his dreams or grow to become a valuable member of the society and one who can stand up for his rights and achieve his super goals in life if doesn't keep a good health. Good health entails god physical, mental and spiritual health. So one should make sure he maintains good eating habits, receives his adequate share of nutrients and quality through quality food that is healthy cooked. Also keeping a fixed program of working out at least twice a week.

Furthermore, one should look after his spiritual health; partially by keeping away from people, matters and life incidents that can negatively impact his spiritual being as much as possible. One the other hand, one should feed his spiritual self good spiritual food. Meaning, one should give his soul what it yarns for; such as: quite time, good music, being amongst pleasant people, pleasant atmosphere and being in nice pleasant places. 

As for one’s mental health, do teach your chid that controlling life instances was never done only through the mind and exerting great mental effort that would leave the mind sick and aching. Many aspects of life are controlled and enhanced by focusing on the positive and neglecting the negative.

Second of these Life Lessons is; Stay Hopeful No Matter What

Sure, by staying positive your double and perhaps you triple your ability to win and achieve. Being hopeful and positive gives your super power and enhances the way you use your very same capabilities to achieve any matter or make your dreams come true. It also helps you to try try once, twice and thrice without fearing to fail. The will to win and the hope to win are two super strong wings that can make one fly up high.

So yes, teach your child to always be hopeful and keep good thoughts all through his journey of life. The mind needs to always be kept busy with good, pleasant and positive thoughts. Otherwise it will fall into an ocean of fears and negative possibilities that will hamper one’s will and capabilities to make any progress whatsoever.

Third of These Lessons: Is to Know when to Stop; 

One should keep on trying, with a sure heart and mind that he will make it. But there are times when one needs to learn when to stop to try later or to stop trying and pushing in the same direction. Teach your child that he should look for sings as he goes about his dream and goals in life. And to tactfully absorb what these signs tell him. For sometimes the universe is sending your signals and messages to try in a different direction, to trying later, or to stop pushing for that particular matter and to start searching for different goals or dreams in life, otherwise you’d be wasting your time, energy and capabilities, that would be best served and harnessed in other aspects of life.

Fourth Lesson About Life to Teach your Child is “Be Organised”

One cannot read his own mind, and thoughts and bring them to fruittion without being organised and having a clear plan in life and each day of his life. Without being organised, without having a clear plan for each and every aspect of life, for each day, one will lose much of his energy, time and power without meaningful outcome.

Teach your son to write down his thoughts to have them organised and to read through his mind. Teach him or her to write down his daily to do’s list to know what he should be achieving each day to take more steps towards his ultimate goals in life.

Fifth Lesson About Life that would change your child’s life is Casting Fear Aside;

Yes, fear is detrimental to any progress in life. Fear is sickness of the soul, mind and physical body. Fear blocks proper thinking and having a proper vision in life. So one should cast aside any fearful thoughts, possibilities or assumptions that may come up to his mind as he goes through life. Do not fear. Fear is just a thought that can be killed and beaten jus where it is.

Never fear, rather treat fear as your worst enemy. Whenever a though of fear or a fearful thought comes to your mind, treat it as as your most potent enemy and fight it with much positivity, faith and eagerness.

You’re Worth It! Yes The is The Sixth Lesson about Life to teach your son or child.

Helping your son feel and appreciate his self worth since young age will surely help him grow up as a person who has self love and self respect. To grow into someone who know he needs and wants- someone who knows his limits and true worth and rejects to compromise his self respect or minimise his worth.

As you can see most of life’s most important lessons can only be taught my example and by being a living example of the,m and not my lecturing and enforcing a particular understanding of life. 

Do invest in your child and help him or her grow into a respectful member of the society who knows how to lead a successful and rewarding kind of life.

Maha Youssuf
Mamas' Guides Editor

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