Eventhgouh my work as a freelancer and someone who runs her own business from home, creates a kid of flexible daily routine, I have defined daily and weekly schedule so as not to fall into the mess of having to run to fulfl the so many tasks required from me. Flexibility doesn't mean that I wake up whenever I want and sleep at any time day or night, for this will cause me so much stress, as tasks will accumulate and require far more time to carry out efficiently.

My Golden rule that helped me greatly when I got married and later when I had kids is cutting down each day to Five Sections; me, the house, work, the kids, and me and my partner.


1- Me, there should be a me- time each day, where I can look after myself, meaning; I can have coffee with a friend, go to the hairdresser, spend time with my colouring book, arrange my laptop or personal drawers and the like. Such session may be one hour or most of the day, depending on other tasks fulfilled towards the house, work and the kids during the same day. For example, if it's the laundry day, then I will have much time to go out with a friend or go to the hairdresser. If it's the cooking day, then, I will just be able to spend an hour, meditating and having a nice cup of coffee while listening to my favourite musical tracks.


2- The House, and this can be cut down to: laundry, cleaning and cooking, each can be done once a week. Before CoronaVirus pandemic I used to have a main that did the cleaning, while I did the laundry and cooking at the same day, leaving not much me time during the day than a nice cup of coffee in the evening. But this saved me the entire week to schedule as I wish. The having a maid once a week that does the cleaning, means that you will have to stay at home, so use this time and do all other house-related obligations on that day and have the rest of the week free. 


But since many of us now do the cleaning without a maid to help us, then dividing the house chores throughout the week is the best scenario to have room for other obligations towards yourself, work, partner and the kids.


So you can do the cleaning on one day, the cooking on another and the laundry on a third day. This means that you have four days a week where you don't have to think of any house- related duties at all, other than the normal end-of-day cleanup and organising.


3- Kids need you to spend as much quality time as possible. So save not less than an hour of playing with your kids, besides the special bedtime chat and storytelling, to foster a healthy bond and connection with them. The more time you spend with them the better. And if they're big kids you can turn the house-related tasks to quality time as well, by engaging them in what you do and make it fun and enjoyable. You can have them help you with the laundry, join you at the kitchen even if they did nothing but just watching. If 


4- Me and my partner!
You should have time each day to spend with you partner, whether you go out and have someone you trust to babysit the kids, have a movie night, plan for a trip, or just sit and talk about anything you want. This means that your kids have to follow a reasonable sleep routine for you two to have your own peaceful time together. Don't let the daily duties creates a gap between you two. Your relationship with your partner is the backbone of the family and the house, without which the entire foundation of "Home" will fall apart. So do make the time to invest in such relation.


5- Work

If you have to work from 9 to 5, then you will need to squeeze your day to fit in other sections of planing to fit into your day. But if you're  part-time employee, or someone who works from home such as me, then you can assign a number of hours to do your work and make sure your other obligations are fulfilled so as not to feel stressed as your work and create a mess you will not like. Also involve the rest of people living with you and communicate with them your need to finish their work. Your kids can engage in video games and give them the task of cleaning up their rooms. This will keep them busy until you finish your work peacefully without they feel bored and feel your absence.


Write this schedule down and modify it whenever you need to but do have a schedule to follow at how and Do Slow Down. Running all day to have things down will only stress you out and cause you to do things less efficiently and in more time.


Remember, an ordganised household chores means happy and peaceul life.


May you all have your home and life peacefully arranged as you wish.


Maha Youssuf

Mamas' Guides Editor

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