How to Baby-proof Your House?

How to Baby-proof Your House?

  • Post Time - 2019-11-16 11:43:37

Once your baby starts moving around, whether by crawling, bottom shuffling or hanging to the furniture, you will be in need to child-proof the house to make sure your little one is safe. And always know that babies and toddlers need to be under strict supervision every minute.

1- Over all sharp edges of tables and other pieces of furniture that would be within the earch of your baby's head or body with safety padding avaiable in most baby stores.

2-  Make sure you have no small rugs that are slippery and may cause the baby to slump.

3- Look for a smart and trusted way to get all doorhands, window hands and balconies locked up in a way that cannot be opened by your child.

4- Latch all wooden or plastic drawers within baby’s reach.

5- Throw away, as in really throw away, any looped cords in the house whether in windows blinds or curtains, they can be disastrous.

6- Put a gate (that can be locked) before any stairways or kitchens.

7- Store your make-up stuff, cleaning products and of course medicines far from the baby’s reach, very very far from his reach.

8- Make sure the walls of your baby crip are far from his length and ensure that bolts and screws are tigght.

9- Don't place any toys in the baby crib.

10-  Be carefull with air- freshners and spray them only when your child is not in the room the minute you spray them. It might turn him/her allergic.

11- Place a separater in each door to prevent it from smashing your child's hand which accidentally closed.

Mama's Guides Editorial Team.


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