
Top 50 Mobile Apps Useful for the Family 

Top 50 Mobile Apps Useful for the Family 

Mobile apps have revolutionized our life in so many ways, enhancing it in some areas and making it more complicated in others. But in general they have increased our interconnectivity as well as productivity. 
Day of Labor: Tips Every Mom Should Never Miss

Day of Labor: Tips Every Mom Should Never Miss

The day every mom looks forward the started the day she learns that she's pregnant onward. 9 months of uneasiness, hormonal changes, worries, sometimes pain, let alone the physical and emotional load pregnancy puts on a woman.
Is Ammonia- Free Hair Colouring Safe During Pregnancy?

Is Ammonia- Free Hair Colouring Safe During Pregnancy?

Is Hair Treatment and colouring safe during pregnancy, especially the very early stages?
What Should a Pregnant Woman Eat

What Should a Pregnant Woman Eat

A Pregnant women should make sure there's a balanced share of nutrition getting to her body and nourishing the placenta. And this doesn't mean that too much eating ensures a healthy mom and a healthy placenta. Actually the opposite is true. Too much eating will mean digestion malfunction and thus your body won't benefit from much of what you eat. Balanced eating and eating small portions is what you need. But what are essential foods a pregnant mom should eat?
Week 40 Pregnancy- Congratulations on A Job Well Done

Week 40 Pregnancy- Congratulations on A Job Well Done

You’re supposed to have already reached the finish line, for the vast majority of women usually do around the week 40, but if you haven’t already, this doesn’t make you a post- term yet. You have two more weeks to go before reaching that conclusion or starting to worry.
Week 39 Pregnancy- You're Very Close to The Finish Line

Week 39 Pregnancy- You're Very Close to The Finish Line

Your baby now weighs more than 7 pounds and is just ready to come out to the world, with heart and lungs fully completed and perfectly functioning. Many ladies stop at this stage of pregnancy or the one preceding it and deliver their babies, which end up in very good health, so there’s no need to worry, you’re almost there!
Week 37 Pregnancy

Week 37 Pregnancy

The size of your belly is rapidly developing in these remaining few weeks and so is the size of your baby, who’s now at the size of a swiss chard. Heavy weight putting on your body and limbs is making movement much difficult these days, while you’re in serious need to get moving and exercises to prepare your body for delivery, especially if you plan for natural childbirth, so try to take it easy while moving to avoid slipping, but don’t make this feeling of heaviness stop you from walking and exercising regularly, which will help alleviate the burden off your bones.
Week 36 Pegnancy

Week 36 Pegnancy

You’ve just entered your 36th week through pregnancy, to step into your 9th and last month of pregnancy.. Yes it’s been a long long way to go.. and it won’t be long before you finally be able to hold your little angel and feel him or her. You’re getting very close to that day where you will celebrate then end of this tiring yet rewarding journey.
Week 35 Pregnancy

Week 35 Pregnancy

By now your chances for having normal vaginal childbirth will be predicted, for how your uterus and baby are acting will decide, largely on how the labor day will be. Your baby should by now turn head down, however this might be, in some cases, delayed till the last week or two.
Week 34 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Cantaloupe

Week 34 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Cantaloupe

You might be a few days away from labor now. This is not a reason to panic, but a very good reason to be ready totally for D day. As you proceed in the final weeks of your pregnancy, some symptoms of the early weeks may resurface to haunt you, stay calm you can now deal with them way better than before- as you’ve become an expert.Your baby’s body is further developing, maturing and his kicks are becoming more felt and strong. You might feel that he’s too active compared to before weeks.
Week 33 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Pineapple

Week 33 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Pineapple

As your baby grow, now reaching the size of a huge pineapple and his kicks are becoming not just felt but also seen. You can now see your belly moving to the right and left. Some changes are creeping in, like feeling your body becoming out of balance, bumping accidentally to the shelves anything you stand close to, try to put up with it, each day now is taking your close to the finish line.
Week 32 Pregnancy

Week 32 Pregnancy

By now you may feel quite unbalanced, both spiritually and physically, and that as a result of your growing belly and persisting sleep disorder that may leave your nervous and in need of much rest. Don’t worry, there are a number of ways to shift such negative symptoms to changes that you can cope with.

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