Your baby now weighs more than 7 pounds and is just ready to come out to the world, with heart and lungs fully completed and perfectly functioning. Many ladies stop at this stage of pregnancy or the one preceding it and deliver their babies, which end up in very good health, so there’s no need to worry, you’re almost there!

In case you haven’t already done so, one good activity you might want to consider is joining antenatal classes, that will sort of educate you on how to handle childbirth, whether you wish for natural delivery or have planned for a c-section- also it will train you on ways to handle your newborn, give him his first shower, change his/her diaper and breastfeeding. Check for such classes in your neighbourhood or even join one of the free online classes, they will also do and help you a lot.

Walk, walk, walk! You need to walk a lot, this will help your pelvic muscles to flex and thus get ready for delivery.

Except for the feeling of heaviness, sleep disorder, and swelling, these remaining few days of your pregnancy are considered among the less challenging and the ones easiest to handle. This is partially due to the fact that you have already gained experience on how to handle yourself throughout the long pregnancy journey and the many many symptoms you’ve been facing for months, and partially due to the fact that you’re driven by hope to hit the finish line, which is not so far from you now.

Prepare yourself and your lifestyle for the new family member. Have his room set up, free more time to handle only him, his food, his cleaning and his care. Have all the logistics finalised or at least arrange for them to be taken care of.

Go to the hairdresser, have a full round of personal care that would cover the coming 2 or three weeks and the few days following labor, you will need that a lot- for your will be feeling quite tired and confused regarding to arrange your day and new life with your newborn.

My main advise for you is Stay Organised to Stay Calm!!!

Mama's Guides Team 

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