Week 34 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Cantaloupe

Week 34 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Cantaloupe

  • Post Time - 2019-11-19 12:47:55

You might be a few days away from labor now. This is not a reason to panic, but a very good reason to be ready totally for D day. As you proceed in the final weeks of your pregnancy, some symptoms of the early weeks may resurface to haunt you, stay calm you can now deal with them way better than before- as you’ve become an expert.Your baby’s body is further developing, maturing and his kicks are becoming more felt and strong. You might feel that he’s too active compared to before weeks.

But beware, if you even felt he’s less active than before and that his movements are becoming weaker or fewer, start counting them, if they exceeded 10 movements, then you’re on the safe side and, however don’t hesitate to consult the doctor on your next antenatal visit, so as to inspect reasons behind his in-activeness, which might turn out to be a result of recessing quantity of water

But if his movements proved to be lesser then 10 a day, they you must contact your doctor or midwife immediately, for you baby might be in danger and you’re in need for a quick help.

Try to reinforce a healthy diet these weeks. You can now predict what your weight will be, approximately, by the time you deliver your baby, and of course you wouldn’t want to grow unnecessarily huge or stay overweight for too long after delivery. Make the job easy for yourself and try to have a plan to regain your original weight within a month following labor. Normally a pregnant women looses between 6 and 8 kilos on labor day, the rest she looses gradually (in case she hadn’t put on excessive killos) within 40 days after delivery.

Try to apply for antenatal classes and get yourself busy as much as you can, for the coming weeks might seem like a whole life!

Mama's Guides Team

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