What Should a Pregnant Woman Eat

What Should a Pregnant Woman Eat

  • Post Time - 2019-11-27 13:52:27

Balanced meals is much needed to make sure there's a natural flow of the essential nutrients reaching your body as a pregnant mom. But there are certain food a required for every pregnant woman, such as:


1- Protein:
A pregnant mom needs extra intake of proteins, taking the form of meat, fish, chiken and dairy products for the feutus to develop properly without any problems.

2- Calcium:
Much of the calcium a pregnant womam consumes goes to the growing baby, which means she needs to get extra calcium through driking milk, eating yoghurt, and other forms of dairy products. Also egss are a great source of calcium, minerals vitamins and other nutrients essential for a pregnant mom.

3- Vitamins:
Vitamins are also needed for keeping a healthy and vital body of a pregnant mom and they're found in most veggies, fruits, dried fruits and berries.

4- Green Leaves adn Legumes:
They're essential for balanced and healthy digestive system. Most pregnant women suffer disturbed colon and digestive system which causes constipation. Green leaves are a great source of antioxidents, fibers, minerals C, vitamin A, vitamin K, calcium, iron and potassium, which all pregnant women need.


5- Beef, Beef and Beef:
Pregnant women need a good deal of daily beef meals as they're rich in iron, vitamin B and choline which a pregnant women is in much need of during pregnancy.


6- Whole Grains: 
As they're  a great source of fiber, vitamins as well as protein.

7- Carbohydrates:
Foods that are rich in carbohydrates such as rice, wheet pasta and potates are much needed for a pregnant woman as they are considered a great source of energy,  and are thus considered an essential component of a pregnant mom every day meals.

8- Fats:
A pregnant women shouldn't totally avoid fatty food during pregnancy, nor should she eat much fats. She needs to spare about 30% of her daily food for fats as they're good for a healthy development of the baby and prevents him in the future from being diabete.

9- Fish:
As they're rich in omega 3, essential for the formation of essential cells and parts of the baby.


10- Water:
A pregnant women needs an extra intake of water each day to stay adequately hydrated which ensures a smooth and healthy pregnancy.

Stay healthy.. Stay a happy mom, while pregnant and ever after.

Maha Youssuf
A mother and a researcher specialised in Pregnancy and Parenting.

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