Week 32 Pregnancy

Week 32 Pregnancy

  • Post Time - 2019-11-19 12:42:36

By now you may feel quite unbalanced, both spiritually and physically, and that as a result of your growing belly and persisting sleep disorder that may leave your nervous and in need of much rest. Don’t worry, there are a number of ways to shift such negative symptoms to changes that you can cope with.

Your feet may now start swelling unlike earlier weeks of pregnancy. This you can combat by raising your feet onto a chair or a coffee table while sitting down. Another basic symptom of this week, which marks the beginning of your 8th month pregnancy, is having pain through your ribs, and that’s due to your enlarged uterus which has already placed some pressure on your ribs. You can overcome such pain by getting some rest and short naps throughout the day.

As your belly grows larger and so does your baby, eating small meals is just what you need so as not to feel even heavier and bloated.

Try to stay light. Also feeling irritated due to heartburn, growing belling, and the heavy load you’re carrying, having a relatively empty stomach, will help you stay calm. Try to grow back to the old healthy diet your doctor advised you to follow in the early pregnancy weeks.

At this week your baby will more likely change his position and turn head down, readying himself for labor.

Have regular showers and whenever you do, apply a good share of moisturising cream and lotions. Take good care of your skin, especially in the late stages of your pregnancy, you will save yourself a lot of pain having to make up for leaving it deserted during your pregnancy. I know you must be tired and warn out, but believe me, staying beautiful and maintained will make you feel a lot more better.

Also as you baby grows bigger throughout the coming weeks as well as your belly, your skin will get stretched really thin, which will cause some cracks to take place, some taking the form of stretch marks and perhaps, if your skin is very sensitive, light injuries, just as the case with the nipples.

Whether you plan to breast feed or not, and whether you have already started applying conditioning cream for your nipples and the area around it, now is the time to not ignore that. Ignoring the skin of your nipples will cause serious damage to it, especially after delivery and if you’re going to breast feed.

Your belly now looks more like a fully rounded ball, unlike earlier stages of pregnancy. You will feel your tummy’s skin quite stretched, which may at times feel very annoying. It’s very normal to start having a very big belly at the moment, even if you used to have a relatively small one early in your pregnancy.

This has nothing to do with your level of fitness, whether it’s your first or second baby. Try to keep your tummy’s skin hydrated and moist, using anti- stretch marks cream, along with conditioning lotions.

You will now feel the baby’s kicks strong than ever and you will see your tummy moving to the right and to the left and vibrate at times.

Mama's Guides Team

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