
Eggshell Parenting: A Comprehensive Look at Protecting But Not Sheltering Your Kids

Eggshell Parenting: A Comprehensive Look at Protecting But Not Sheltering Your Kids

SImply put, Eggshell parenting is a kind of parenting where the child feels pressured to constantly be careful so as not to face their parent's anger and unpredictable reactions- just the same as walking on eggshells – one wrong step could cause them to crack. Similarly, parents with unstable emotional makeup are just like an eggshell which causes their children to be cautious almost all the time. 
How to Get Your Kids to Listen (Without Yelling or Nagging)

How to Get Your Kids to Listen (Without Yelling or Nagging)

A much-needed demand; I want my kids to listen and obey without me having to yell and nag all the time. Raising an obedient child is a journey that starts at the very early stages of childhood. It's about instilling in them values of respect, gentleness, and consideration for others’ needs.
What Does a Daughter Need from Her Mom?

What Does a Daughter Need from Her Mom?

Lucky is the woman who God blessed her with a daughter to love and cherish. Raising and developing a smart and loving daughter is one of the most beautiful experiences a woman can have in her life. Having a daughter is a precious gift, that you need to love and cherish. But what does it mean to love your daughter? And how can you show her your love in a way that she will understand and appreciate?
How to Deal with a Stubborn 6-7 Year Old Child

How to Deal with a Stubborn 6-7 Year Old Child

It's normal for children at this age to demonstrate stubbornness. But it's important to learn how to deal with such behaviour in order to maintain a healthy relationship with your children.
10 Bedtime Stories To Tell your Kids Before They Sleep

10 Bedtime Stories To Tell your Kids Before They Sleep

Bedtime stories had always been an essential element of kids' way of learning and bonding with their parents.
Four Main Styles of Parenting

Four Main Styles of Parenting

Regardless of your age, culture, upbringing, the number of kids you have or their ages, all types and systems of parenting fall under these Four Main Styles of Parenting;
How to Befriend Your Teen?!

How to Befriend Your Teen?!

As your children grown, you realise, as a parent, that your role is changing and perhaps expanding to move, from just offering pampering and protection to understanding and containing the immense change their personalities are undergoing in a way that may leave them perplexed and sometimes depressed.
How to Help Your Kid Adapt to Social Distancing during Corona Pandemic?

How to Help Your Kid Adapt to Social Distancing during Corona Pandemic?

With the world still fighting COVID-19, social distancing continues to become a necessity to prevent the pandemic from further spreading, claiming more lives. Social distancing ensures that what's called the aerosols, or to make it simple, the droplets caused when someone breathes, coughs or sneezes, don't reach non- infected people, causing them to catch the virus.
How and When to Introduce Ramadan to Your Kids?

How and When to Introduce Ramadan to Your Kids?

Kids start getting the feel of seasons around the age of 4 to 5 years, and that through decorations at home, songs and how their parents explain to them that they're preparing for a unique event.
What Causes Kids' Sleep Disorder?

What Causes Kids' Sleep Disorder?

Kids' sleep disorder has two types, either a kid doesn't sleep the number of hours he needs and this every women should know either by research or from his/ her pediatric, or that he or she keep on waking up during the night. In both cases you have to first set a bedtime routine for your child  so that you can decide on whether there's some sort of change or disorder or not.

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