How to Deal with a Stubborn 6-7 Year Old Child

How to Deal with a Stubborn 6-7 Year Old Child

  • Post Time - 2023-11-13 11:34:17

First let’s try and identify a few characteristics of a stubborn child in order to be able to know how to deal with him in a positive way that would nurture a healthy parent- child relationship.

Stubbornness is a common characteristic of kids at the age of 6 or 7. It's sort of an integral part of development as children learn to demonstrate their independence and develop their own sense of self and uniqueness. However, some children tend to be more stubborn than others. 

What is a Stubborn Child?

Here are some of the characteristics of a stubborn child: 

1-They have strong opinions and are not afraid to express them. 

Stubborn children usually have a clear vision of what they want and don't want. They're not afraid to stand up for their beliefs and ideas even if it will trigger other people’s disagreement- even if those people are their parents or teachers. They are determined and persistent. 

2- Stubborn children don't give up easily. They have strong determination to work hard to achieve their goals, no matter what challenges and setbacks they face. 

3- They are independent and value their autonomy. 

4- Stubborn children don't like to be dictated to do. They like to make their own decisions and be in charge of their own lives. 

5- They, however, don’t have tolerance for frustration. Stubborn children often get frustrated easily, especially when things don't go the way they planned. This can lead to tantrums and anger. Stubborn children can be a challenge to deal with, but it's important to remember that it's not always a bad thing to have a stubborn child. 

6- Also stubborn children can be very successful in life because they have strong will and determination. They’re persistent and independent. With the right guidance and support, stubborn children can learn to manage their stubbornness and use it to their advantage.  

7- Sometimes they’re argumentative or bossy, and usually reject instructions. They have difficulty complying with rules. 

8- Unfortunately stubborn kids are also quick to anger or become upset when things don't go their way. 

9- They may be inflexible or unwilling to compromise. 

10- They, however, are good observers to everything that’s going around them and they have a shrewd analytical eye.

It's important to note that not all stubborn children exhibit all of these characteristics, but just some or a few of them. Also if a child has some of these characteristics, it doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s stubborn. Every child is unique in his own way and develops at his own pace. 

At any point if you feel that your child may be stubborn, you may consult your pediatrician or child therapist. They can help you to understand your child's behavior and develop strategies for dealing with it.

But what if you already identified your child’s personality and know for sure that he or she is stubborn? How can you deal with the situation?

There are a few things you can do to deal with a stubborn child:

1. Stay Calm and Positive

It's important to stay calm and positive, even if you find your child difficult to deal with. Getting angry or upset will only make the situation worse. Instead, take a deep breath and try to see things from your child's viewpoint.

2. Give Choices

Stubborn children usually don’t like the idea of not having full control over their lives, and thus giving them choices can help them feel more in control and empowered and so less likely to resist. For example, instead of saying "Put this white T-shirt on," you could say "Do you want to wear your blue shirt or your green shirt?"

3. Offer Positive Reinforcement. 

Always praise your child when they do something good, even if it's something significant. This will help them learn that positive behavior is rewarded and appreciated. You can also use a sticker chart or other reward system to encourage good behavior.

4. Always Be Consistent

It's important to be consistent in your discipline methods. If you give in to your child's demands one time, they're more likely to try the same thing again and again. So it’s better if you can establish clear rules and consequences, and just stick to them.

5. Ignore Minor Mistakes and Minor Misbehavior

Best way to deal with a stubborn child is to simply ignore their minor misbehavior. If you're always nagging them, it's only going to make them more rebellious. Instead, try to focus on their positive behavior.

6. Take A Time-Out

If your child is having a tantrum or anger burst refusing to listen, a time-out can be effective. Send them to their room or another quiet place for a few minutes to calm down. Once they've calmed down, you can talk to them quietly about their behavior and ways to avoid repeating the same mistake.

Also in dealing with a stubborn child, you may consider these additional tips:

  • Use Sense of Humor 

Turning the situation into a funny one or saying a joke can help calm a tense situation.

  • Be Patient

It takes time for children to learn how to deal with their emotions. Don't expect them to be perfect and disciplined all the time.

  • Seek Professional Help  

If all this didn’t work, you may consider visiting your pediatrician or child therapist. They can offer the right guidance.

Children are different. Meaning, what works for one child may not work for another. Experiment with different strategies and find what works best for your child.

Healthy Child-Parent Relationship

And now let’s think of new creative ways that would help us nurture a Healthy Child-Parent Relationship, which will certainly lead up to a smooth parenting experience that will benefit both parties.

A healthy child-parent relationship is essential for a healthy emotional, social, and cognitive development of the child. Children who enjoy strong bonds and relationships with their parents are more likely to be happy, healthy, and successful in their lives.

Here are some tips on how to nurture a healthy child-parent relationship:

  • Spend More Quality Time Together

Quality time is more important than quantity of time. Make time for your child every day, even if it's just for one hour. Talk to them, share their interests and play with them.

  • Be Loving and Supportive

Tell your child that you love him unconditionally and that you will continue to support him no matter what. This means being there for them when they need you, even if they make mistakes.

  • Set Clear Expectations and Rules

Children need to know what is expected of them. This means that you need to establish clear rules for them to follow, and be consistent with discipline.

  • Communicate Effectively

You, as a parent, need to communicate with your child in a clear and open way. Try to listen to what they have to say and see things the way they see it.

  • Be a Good Role Model

Children learn by watching, not by being told what to do. So by watching how their parents act, they may adjust their behavior.

You may as well consider the following tips:

  • Try to show some affection, by giving your child frequent hugs, kisses, and other physical expressions of love.

  • Try to be positive, by focusing on your child's good behavior and  accomplishments. Praise them when they do something good.

  • Be respectful and treat your child with the same respect that you would treat any other adult.

  • Be patient when dealing with your stubborn child. Parenting can be challenging, but it's important to be patient as it will help them learn and grow.

Nurturing a healthy child-parent relationship takes time and effort, but it's one of the most important things that needs investment. 

Consider the following activities to develop a strong and loving bond with your child that will last a lifetime. 

  • Read together, as reading is a great way to bond with your child and expose them to new vocabulary and ideas.

  • Play together. It’s such a fun way to connect with your child and help him develop social and cognitive skills.

  • Also consider talking about your day and ask your child about how his day was. This is a great way to learn more about what your child thinks and how he sees things.

  • Do things together that you both enjoy, such as cooking, watching TV adn playing board games.

  • Spend time in nature. Being in nature is such a great way that benefits both physical and mental health, develops a strong bond with your kid and creates lasting memories.

Remember, the most important thing is to spend time with your child and show them that you love them unconditionally. This can nurture a healthy child-parent relationship that will benefit both of you.

By: Maha Youssuf, Mamas’ Guides Chief Editor, and Mamas’ Guides Editing Team

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