What Does a Daughter Need from Her Mom?

What Does a Daughter Need from Her Mom?

  • Post Time - 2023-11-14 11:11:00

Lucky is the woman who God blessed her with a daughter to love and cherish. Raising and developing a smart and loving daughter is one of the most beautiful experiences a woman can have in her life. Having a daughter is a precious gift that you need to love and cherish. But what does it mean to love your daughter? And how can you show her your love in a way that she will understand and appreciate?

I have tried to list a number of time-tested tips to love and raise a loving daughter and to nourish a healthy and strong emotional bond with her.

1- Unconditional Love and Support: 

A daughter needs to know that her mom loves and supports her no matter what. This means being there for her during good and bad times, and believing in her even when she fails to meet your expectations or makes mistakes. Telling your daughter that you love her that you love her no matter what, even when she makes mistakes. It also means accepting her for who she is, with all her weaknesses and flaws.

Expression of love differs in dealing with different ages. For example: Young daughters need their mother to cuddle with them, read to them, and sing to them. They also need them to spend time playing with them and helping in order to learn new things. As for school-aged daughters: they need their mom to help them do their homework, listen to them read, and talk to them about how their day was. They also need them to show them love in ways they can understand and appreciate.


2- Time, Time and Time:

Daughters need their moms to simply spend more time with them. This is what they need most for emotional bonding which requires spending more time together for the spiritual connection between them to sprout and grow. Quality time is one of the best gifts a mother can give her daughter to raise a happy and confident woman. You, as a mother, need to make time for your daughter every day, even if it's just one hour. Engage with her in doing things that she enjoys, and make sure that you are really present when you are with her.


3- A Role Model: 

Daughters learn from their mothers, both consciously and unconsciously. They watch how their mothers interact with the world around them, and they develop their own values and beliefs based on what they see. It is important for mothers to be positive role models for their daughters, and to show them what it means to be a strong, independent, and compassionate woman. Children learn by watching the adults in their lives. Be the kind of person that you want your daughter to be. Show her how to be respectful, compassionate, and responsible. Spend time with her. 


4- Guidance and Advice: 

Daughters need their moms’ guidance through the different stages of their life and to offer them advice when they need it. This doesn't mean that mothers should intervene and impose their guidance in almost all of their daughters' affairs and take decisions on their behalf. Rather they need to help their daughters think through their options and to make wise choices. 


5- Communication and Respect: 

Daughters need to be able to communicate openly and honestly, especially in the presence of  their mothers, and they need to feel respected by them too. 


This means listening to their daughters and getting to learn more about their  thoughts and feelings, and being supportive of their dreams, ambitions and beliefs.


6- A sense of Belonging: 

Daughters need to feel like they belong to a bigger family, a big entity, where they would feel safe and comfortable and valuable. Mothers can help imbibe this sense of belonging by spending time with their daughters, engaging in interesting activities with their daughters, and talking to them about their dreams and plans. In addition to these simple needs, daughters may also have specific needs depending on their age and personality. 


For example, young daughters need their moms’ help with basic life skills, such as dressing, eating, and bathing. Older daughters may need help with homework, research, assignments or making decisions about their life. 


As for adolescent daughters, they may need help passing the challenges of puberty, relationships, and the emotional dilemma involved. No matter what their age or stage of life, daughters would always need to know that their mothers are there for them and that their love for them is just unconditional.


7- Be there for Her:

Always be available for your daughter, both physically and emotionally, whenever she needs you. Try to listen, attentively, to her when she talks to you, and offer her support and guidance. Also make sure you hail her small achievements and celebrate her successes and to comfort her whenever she feels down. 



8- Encouragement:

Do encourage her to go after her dreams and to never give up. Don't try to live your life through your daughter, rather encourage her to make her own dreams and to chase them, even if they are far-fetched, and continue to offer guidance. Also encourage her to get involved in community activities and to make friends. For example if you have a teen daughter, try to talk to her about the challenges of adolescence and what she would face, bother socially, physically and emotionally.

Encourage her to make wise choices and to be true to herself to grow into a strong woman who has self respect and self- love.


9- Teach Her life skills:

Besides education, it is important for a mother to teach her daughter important life skills, such as time-management, how to cook, how to stay organized, focussed and motivated. These skills will help her grow into a successful and independent smart woman. 


10- Help her to develop her social skills:

It is important to teach your daughter how to be an active member in her community, how to interact, talk, and make friends. Also to try to teach her how to deal with challenges, resolve conflicts, and communicate effectively.


11- Help Her Develop a Charismatic Character:

Help your daughter develop a unique personality and become a person of good taste and strong presence wherever she goes.

12- Be proud of her:

Always make your daughter feel that you’re proud of her, no matter how small her accomplishments are. This will help her develop a strong sense of self-love and self-esteem. 


Be smart and know that your daughter needs different kinds of mothering at each stage of her life. Meaning; Your toddler and preschooler daughter needs you to help her develop her basic life skills and to acquaint her with the world around her. So give her the chance to play and explore as much as possible without fear of the mess. School-aged girls however need to develop their academic skills and to know how to make friends and be good ones. 

Regardless of her age, your daughter will always need your love and support. These simple tips will help her grow into a happy and successful woman.

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