Week 12 Pregnancy- Baby Size of An Apricot

Week 12 Pregnancy- Baby Size of An Apricot

  • Post Time - 2019-11-17 12:33:26

If this is your first baby, then you still don’t need to wear maternity outfits, but soon you will surely need them, so start you’d better start your search now. At this point you may however to wear loose blouses and wide pants that are not too restrictive. And get ready to put aside a number of pants, shirts and dresses that by all means won’t fit you the coming months.

A distinct symptom of this phase is heartburns. You may not detect that what is if you haven’t experienced heartburns before. Simply it carries a burning sensation towards the bottom of your breastbone and your lower throat.

This is nothing to worry about whether it vanishes after a while or if it extended till the very last stages of your pregnancy. Simply put, the placenta produces much  progesterone hormone, which causes the relaxation of  the valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach. This way gastric acid goes up the pipe, causing you this burning sensation.

You will always notice an increase in the vaginal discharges left in your panties than you used to. Just make sure they’re clear white discharges without any color. If you noticed any color other than the white milky discharges, immediately call your doctor or your midwife.

Your baby undergoes two main changes at this week. He now has earlobes and is starting to open and close his tiny fists.

Mama's Guides Team

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