You’re supposed to have already reached the finish line, for the vast majority of women usually do around the week 40, but if you haven’t already, this doesn’t make you a post- term yet. You have two more weeks to go before reaching that conclusion or starting to worry.

You’re supposed to have already reached the finish line, for the vast majority of women usually do around the week 40, but if you haven’t already, this doesn’t make you a post- term yet. You have two more weeks to go before reaching that conclusion or starting to worry.

The finish line to pregnancy in most women is the week 40. But in some cases pregnancy lasts even after week 40 has passed due to a number or reasons, and in some cases without clear clarification. The finish line to pregnancy in most women is the week 40.

But in some cases pregnancy lasts even after week 40 has passed due to a number or reasons, and in some cases without clear clarification.

You may be in need to relax and stop analysing the situation like something wrong is going on, for worrying itself can be a reason delaying your labor, and would cause you ,ore delay which will mean that you need to induce labor.

Talk to your doctor or midwife about it and try to check the reason. Behind the delay. Your muscles may as we’ll be in need to relax, a matter which you can address by walking and exceed using. Check out online classes or in your community, that help pregnant women approach natural Lahr easily and smoothly. This should help you a lot.

Also try to postpone thinking about labor for a while, I know its second to impossible and is so very difficult, but just try, perhaps you need to take break from the whole matter, especially that it has been yang control over your full life in the last 9 months, which is too much I admit.

Do consider eating much dates these days, dates are said to help the cervix relax, and Lady Meriam is the best example for that.

And try as much as you can to let nothing steel those special moments left in your pregnancy, persist in living them up and talking to your little one and establishing the connection with him, nothing is worth missing out on a moment that cannot be relived or brought back. Busy yourself with positive thinking as, icon as you can, and try and escape much of the persisting anxiety and depression by engaging in heartwarming chit chat with an old friend, watching your favourite move, reciting a unique set of prayers or listening to soft music. All these should help.

You’re almost there, so celebrate the end of a tiring journey and look forward to the fruit you’re about to reap, Your Baby. Know that you and him need your full energy, happiness and assurance. You’re a hero and have been a hero, think and tell yourself this out loud.

Congratulations on a job well done and a reward well earned lady !!!!

Mama's Guides Team

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