Day of Labor: Tips Every Mom Should Never Miss

Day of Labor: Tips Every Mom Should Never Miss

  • Post Time - 2020-02-06 21:11:56

The day every mom looks forward the started the day she learns that she's pregnant onward.

9 months of uneasiness, hormonal changes, worries, spmetimes pain, let alone the physical and emotional load pregnancy puts on a woman.

However most moms remain hopeful that things well go well untill they reach the finish line safe and well.

Then comes the day of labor when they get into the hospital whether suddenly or on a planned appointment. This day can hold many worries and confusions for every woman. And my advise for you as an expert and as a mom who went thrgouh the same, is to Be Planned and then Enjoy. You have to be as carefree as you can on that day to lessen the psychological load you face and to simply celebrate. Yes, celebrate making it to the finish line and having a cute baby who will love noone on earth like you. Celebrate a day you will never retrieve one day to celebrate if you missed out on the fun part of it.

But then again, you will never be able to celebrate it if you don't have a clear plan for it, even if you will have to dash madly to the hospital. Once you get into your 9th month, have you plan for that day set, as well as the hospital arrangements and those with your doctor. Also have your hospital bag prepared with all needs for you and your baby. You can search out another post on Mamas' Guides about The Hospital Bag and the items it should include. 

Plan for who will be with you on that day. Do the logistics in a quite orgnaised way. Arrange where are you going to stay for th efirst couple of weeks or who will stay with you to handle the house chores and domestic needs as you will be very week the first two or three weeks, as well as being busy with the baby.  Here are a number of tips to consider when planning for the big day.

1- Prepare a small travel bag for the hospital that has you and your baby's needs for a couple of days. And have a little bigger bag for the two or three weeks following.

2- Visit the hospital where you will give birth in and get acquainted with the arrangements there.

3- Take the hopsital letter from your doctor and keep it in your wallet or you partner's lest you go to the hospital suddenly.

4- Prepare a list of songs htat help you relac when you're in trouble and take it with you to the hospital to make you feel comfortable and relaxed.

5- Arrange with your partners and whoever will be with you to limit the hospital visit or those by family and friends the first few weeks after labor, to give yourself and the baby time to relax and connect to each other.

6- If you have another kid, arrange for his stay with you at the hospital. If he's old enough to understand that you will be well after the baby will arrive, then keep him around all day. If he's very young, as young as two or three-year-old, then still make him spend the night and most of the day with you. But have someone you trust around to take him every now and then to buy some sweets to distract his attention from the fact that you're much pain to get this baby out. In both cases make the first kid with you and make him part of the event, part of the action and part of the fun! He will appreciate it much and help him connect better to him brother or sister.

7- During your stay at the hospital get all the training you need on dealing with the baby and breastfeeding, you will need much help, especially if you're a first time mom.

8- Once you're out of the hospital, try to consider the following to preserve your phusical and emotional well-being:

- Sleep as much as you can.
- Engage in any daily routine that you like and which makes you feel relaxed and such as listening to music or reading.
- Don't forget to take care of your beauty, it will alleviate much of the post-delivery depression which inflicts most women.
- Rest as much as you can.
- Seek help from a relative or a friend or your partner, you will be in much need for it.

My foremost advice for you is to plann well for this day and the days following to Really Realy Really enjoy this Big event.

By: Maha Youssuf
Mamas' Guides Director and Chief Editor

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