Choosing a baby name is perhaps the first and the most important decision in a person’s life, taken by his parents and which will affect him for the rest of his life in so many ways. And it is said that a person demonstrates at least a glimpse of the meaning of his name. And so one should be very careful when choosing the name of his daughter/son.
Introducing solids to the baby remains one of the most challenging tasks for ‘ppa mom and the baby as well. You keep trying recipes that your baby will find tasty and accept. Also you read a lot trying to find out about the best foods and nutrients needed for your baby.
Kids' sleep disorder has two types, either a kid doesn't sleep the number of hours he needs and this every women should know either by research or from his/ her pediatric, or that he or she keep on waking up during the night. In both cases you have to first set a bedtime routine for your child so that you can decide on whether there's some sort of change or disorder or not.
First thing a parent should do when he feels his child has got fever is arranging for a visit to his pediatrician and taking the nearest appointment possible, then start taking the following measures as a First- aid- action to help bring down the fever and save the child till he sees his doctor.
Head lice is a certain bug, as small as a sesame that nurtures and lays eggs in the hair, especially children at school age, given the crowded environment they live in, which make it easy fro lice to transfer from one head and inflict another. Lice has nothing to do with the cleanness of the hair of the culture of children inflicted with lice.
In the past, the fastest and the most used rule in parenting was "Do Not yield to the kid's will", and it never worked, not matter how disciplined children used to seem. Behaviour remained negative, even if it surfaced on a deferred stage. Stubbornness accumulates and rises when time is right,. In present time, parents started doing the exact opposite and the result was.... still bad!
Once your baby starts moving around, whether by crawling, bottom shuffling or hanging to the furniture, you will be in need to child-proof the house to make sure your little one is safe. And always know that babies and toddlers need to be under strict supervision every minute.