Meditation: A Hero Fighting CoronaVirus

Meditation: A Hero Fighting CoronaVirus

  • Post Time - 2021-04-22 11:19:44

The reason why Meditation helps relieve stress is because it is capable of driving one's attentionion away from what's causeing his stress, to ficuss more on a pleasant matter, idea or vision.

Meditation helps one cultivate a psyche that's willing and capable of moving away from stress easily and falling into a state of relaxing whenever faced with a challenging time or time.

Meditation can't be more needed in such challenging time we're living through, with a stubborn virus wreaking the havoc of the world and claiming many lives each day.

But what are the types of medication one can p[ractice?

There are the Seven main types of meditation practiced by millions of people around the world:

1- Mindfulness Medition.

2- Focused Meditation.

3- Spiritual Meditation.

4- Movement Meditation.

5- TM or Transcendental Meditation.

6- Progressive Relaxation.

7- Loving-kindness Meditation.

You can search out each type of medition online and learn more about the type that fits you more and see whether you can practice it on your own or you need an expert help.

And after practicing it for a while, you can get your kids and partner join you.

Each meditation session, whether you will practice meditation one or twice a day, lasts between 15 to 20 minutes. That's why it's a practice that can be easily woven into your daily schedule. You can even start by practicing it twice a week as a beginning and push more sessions into your schedule to cover the entire week.

Being a practitioner myself, I can assure you that meditation, besides its beautify health and spiritual benefit, can be the best step you take into having a sacred time of your own each day where you, as a mom, are free of all house chores or other tasks you have to do to the house, work, or your family. It's the kind of me-time you can have and  quickly start sensing its great imact on your physical, mental and spiritual health.

Start Now!

Maha Youssuf
Mamas' Guides Editor

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