How To Be A Relaxed Mom

How To Be A Relaxed Mom

  • Post Time - 2023-12-17 13:47:09

Being a mother who is relaxed and not stressed out isn't about ignoring house chores or achieving some far fetched state of zen. Rather it’s about having better time-management skills and ability to delegate and focus more on your well-being. Yes; your well-being comes first! It’s also about finding joy in the everyday moments, regardless of the so many things that are required from you, as mom, wife and an individual. Also it is about prioritising your care-free state of mind and the quality time you spend with your loved ones, rather than ending the day feeling like some super hero who achieved what should not be achieved by a single person in a single day.

Watching many moms striving to become superheroes and stretching themselves thin to achieve a massive number of tasks each day, I decided to provide a few tips to help you on your journey of becoming a more relaxed mom, one who is enjoying her journey and appreciating herself:


1. Let go of the idea of being a "perfect" mom.

There is no such thing. We all make mistakes, we all have bad days, and that's okay! Comparing yourself to some unrealistic image you see on social media will only make you feel worse. Focus on being a good enough mom, not a perfect one.


2. Simplify to avoid much chaos.

Being a calm mom is the healthiest or the most effective way to communicate with your kids. The otherwise can damage your relationship with your children, make them stressed and anxious, and even teach them that yelling is an okay way to resolve conflict.

So, how can you avoid yelling and still get your kids listen? Here are a few tips:

  • Take a deep breath (or tcount uptil ten). When you feel yourself getting angry, take a step back and physically remove yourself from the situation if possible. Take some deep breaths and try to calm down before you say anything. Counting to ten or doing some quick relaxation exercises can also help.

  • Use "I" statements. Instead of yelling "You never listen to me!" try "I feel frustrated when I have to repeat myself all the time." This helps your child focus on how their actions are affecting you, rather than feeling attacked.

  • Give them choices. Instead of shooting orders, offer your child two choices that are both acceptable to you. For example, "Would you like to clean up your toys now or after you finish your snack?" This gives them a sense of control and makes them more likely to cooperate.

  • Use natural consequences. Let the logical consequences of their actions be the discipline. For example, if they don't want to put on their jacket, they might get cold. If they refuse to do their chores, they might not have time for their favorite activity later.

  • Focus on the positive. Catch your child being good and praise them for it. This will help them focus on repeating the good behavior and make them less likely to act out in the first place.

  • Take care of yourself. When you're stressed and exhausted, you're more likely to lose your temper. Make sure you're getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, and exercising regularly. Taking some time for yourself to relax and recharge will make you a more patient and present parent.

Kids are messy, loud, and unpredictable. That's just how they are! Instead of fighting it, try to flow with it. Laugh at the spills, sing along to the off-key songs, and let loose a little. You'll enjoy it more and your kids will thrive on your spontaneity.

3. Find joy in the little things.

It's easy to get bogged down in the daily grind, but don't forget to stop and appreciate the small moments. Savor the snuggles, giggle at the funny things your kids say, and take pleasure in the simple act of playing together. These are the moments you'll cherish later.


4. Prioritize your own well-being.

Always remember that you can't pour from an empty cup. Make sure you take good care of yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually to be able to continue your journey.  Stop, slow down, relax, take enough rest, get enough sleep, eat healthy foods and exercise regularly.


5. Delegate and ask for help:

You should not and must not, stretch yourself thin to achieve everything on your own to make everbody else comfortable. Remember that you're teaching your children that sharing is caring. So practice what you preach and invite them to share the load you're carrying. And take time to rest when you need it.


6- Consider incorporating Into your schedule more “Me Time” sessions:

This is what will help you energise and renew your ability and skills to achieve and be more progressive in all areas of your life. Also it will make you feel more relaxed, more focussed and more connected to yourself, and thus more content.


7- Share Experience with Fellow Moms:

Yes, moms always know best. Also trial and error is the best way to prove a theory right or wrong. This makes moms the best advisors you should listen to. They needed to make the time for so many things they want and this made them strive to have better control over their day and find ways to do things in less time.

8- Focus on your present moment:

Stop thinking of the zilions of tasks awaiting you, rather focus on what your doing at the present moment.

9- Give kids some space:

Instead of clearing the mess they create every few minutes, give them a particular space where they can play and enjoy the mess they want and then ask them  help you clearing up the mess. How much they engage depends on their age.

10- Breathe and reduce stress and anxiety: 

Consider engaging in some spiritual as well as physical sports that help you reduce anxiety and stress. Think or practicing Yoga, pilates or different kids of meditation, they can help your mind and body relax and get rid of the load they suffer.

The constant demands of motherhood can take a toll on a mom's mental health. Me time provides an opportunity to de-stress and clear their heads.

  • Improve mood and energy levels: When moms are well-rested and relaxed, they are generally happier and have more energy to devote to their families and other responsibilities.

  • Increase self-awareness and self-care: Me time allows moms to reflect on their own needs and priorities, and to engage in activities that promote their physical and emotional well-being.

  • Strengthen relationships: When moms are happy and fulfilled, they are better able to connect with their loved ones. Me time can help moms to be more present and attentive in their relationships.

 Incorporating me time into a busy schedule can seem daunting, but it's important for moms to make it a priority. Here are some tips for making me time happen:

  • Schedule it: Just like any other important appointment, schedule me time into your calendar and stick to it.

  • Start small: Even a few minutes of me time each day can make a difference.

  • Communicate with your partner or support system: Let your partner or other family members know that you need some time for yourself, and ask for their help in making it happen.

  • Be flexible: Things don't always go according to the plan, so be flexible and adjust your me time as needed.

  • Don't feel guilty: You deserve time for yourself, so don't feel guilty about taking it.

Me time is not a luxury; it's a necessity for moms. By making time for themselves, moms can become happier, healthier, and more fulfilled individuals. This, in turn, benefits their families and communities as a whole.

Breathe and decide Now, to slow down, be a relaxed, less stressed and a happier mom.

And remember happy mom makes a happy home.


By: Maha Youssuf,
Founder and Chief Editor of Mamas Guides, 

And Mamas’ Guides Editorial Team.

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