No matter how small your budget is, you as a parent have a great chance to find marvelous deals on Black Friday that you and your kids will just enjoy and benefit from. Just be sure to shop at the right time and in the right place. Also remember to compare prices before making any purchases, for during Black Friday Sale, prices may greatly vary.


Black Friday Sale is just a good time for families to stock up for a whole year ahead and take advantage of deals to purchase many essential items at discounted prices and so save money.


What is Black Friday?


Black Friday is the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States and is widely viewed as the Christmas shopping season. Most brands and stores offer significant discounts on a wide variety of merchandise. 


The term itself "Black Friday" was first invented in Philadelphia in the 1950s, when police used the term to describe the heavy traffic and crowds that took place in the city after Thanksgiving, to later be known by retailers as an opportunity to attract a great number of shoppers and thus boost sales.


True that Black Friday Sale is a great chance to find good offers and deals, it is essential for families and parents to be aware of the money they spend during such sale and the items that might interest them to buy. It is always important to have a plan and a clear list of what to buy. It is also important to set a budget and stick to it, as it is easy to overspend and overshop when watching many many tempting deals.


Here are some suggestions for what families can buy during Black Friday:


1- Stocking Up Children's Clothes: 

As we all know, kids grow out of their clothes quickly, so Black Friday is a great time to stock up on basics items such as Pj, socks, underwear, jeans, summer dresses, basic t-shirts,  sweatpants and the like. During Black Friday Sale, you’ll find these items at deep discounts.  


2- Home goods: 


Home goods, such as furniture, bedding, kitchenware, and the like can be very expensive, so Black Friday is a great time to stock up on them and enjoy great deals.


3- Children Toys:


You, as a parent, will never stop buying toys as your kids grow. During Black Friday, you find great deals on kids toys; from action figures and dolls to art supplies and board games, blocks, Lego and other building sets.


4- Baby Gear: 


Baby gear, such as strollers, car seats, and cribs are items that require a great budget to buy and they are usually popular Black Friday items that you can often find at significantly reduced prices.


5- Sports equipment:


 If your children are involved in some sports, you can find great deals on sports equipment like tennis tools and balls, soccer balls, basketballs, and baseball bats.


6- Electronics and Appliances: 


Electronics and appliances and Video games are always offered at discounted prices during Black Friday, and you can find great deals on most of them such as TVs, Fridges, Ovens, PS, laptops, as well as smartphones and tablets. These are popular Black Friday items which families usually postpone their purchase for Black Friday Sale.



7- Children Books and Educational Materials:


Children's books and educational materials are generally expensive and they are items you need to buy a lot as your kids grow. So Black Friday is a good chance to buy these items at reasonable prices.


8- Gift Cards: 


Having children means you will always need to buy gifts for their friends on their Birthdays. So gift cards are always a good and safe idea. They can be used to purchase a variety of presents. You can find great deals on gift cards to your favorite stores during Black Friday Sales.


9- Outdoor Gear: 


Playing outside is always a good time for kids. During Black Friday sales, you can find great deals on outdoor gear such as jackets, boots, bikes and big toys. 


10- Stationery and Art Supplies: 


Stationary and art supplies continue to be the things that keep kids entertained for long hours. And their prices keep going up each day. So during Black Friday sale, remember to check deals on paints, crayons, markers, and construction paper. 


Black Friday can be a chaotic time in most countries, so be patient enough to stand the crowded stores, long lines and get your visa or credit cards ready, to make your payment experience easier.


Here are some tips to consider on Black Friday Sale:


1. Research: 


Start planning your Black Friday shopping early, and jot down a list of items you need to buy and research the best deals online and in stores. This will help you avoid impulse purchases and make sure you're getting the best deals.


2. Set a budget: 


Never go into Black Friday shopping with a blank check, rather set a clear budget for family and stick to it. This will help you avoid overspending and being dragged into excessive purchases.


3. Shop early not late: 


If you want to enjoy the best of deals, shop early in the Sale. Also to avoid the crowds, try to shop early in the morning, not late in the day, most stores offer their best deals in the early hours of Black Friday, and you'll also have the benefit of having more time to check and compare prices.


4. Use online shopping, it can save you a lot of time: 


Most brands and stores nowadays offer Black Friday deals online as well as in stores. This can be a good chance for you if you don't want to escape the crowds or if you're looking for a special item that is found only in specific stores.


5. Alternative gifts: 


Besides toys and electronics, Black Friday is a good time to buy other great gifts for kids that you may not afford at other times in the year due to their great prices. So do consider gifts like books, educational toys, and gift certificates.


6. Essential items come first: 


Black Friday sales are a great chance to stock up on essential items for your new baby or  young kid, such as diapers, napkins, vitamins, medicine, wipes, and the like. You will find these items at significantly reduced prices.


7. Dare to haggle: 

If you're not convinced of the price of an item, don't be afraid to haggle. In many cases, store employees are allowed to negotiate prices during Black Friday sales.


8. Be patient and prepared: 


Be prepared for the crowds, for the hassle, and have your credit and debit cards ready.


So, to make it short, when shopping during Black Friday Sale, please do consider the following Tips:

  • Have your shopping list prepared: Make a list of the items you need to buy for your family. This will help you avoid impulse and excessive purchases.

  • Start planning early, for the best deals often go quickly in the beginning, that's why it is  important to start planning your Black Friday shopping early.

  • Have a budget: Setting a budget and sticking to it will make it easy for you as a parent to avoid overspending on Black Friday, so be sure to set a limit for the family as a whole.

  • Shop around and compare prices at different stores, this will help you benefit from the best deals.

  • Be patient, for Black Friday is such a chaotic time in all countries, where stores are crowded, even online shopping becomes interrupted as a result of many people now resorting to it to escape the crowd.

  • Remember to have fun with the family and make it a memory: Black Friday can be a good time for the family to enjoy and benefit from.


By: Maha Youssuf; Mamas Guides Founder and CHief Editor
And Mamas Guides Editorial Desk


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