Pilates and Yoga for Fit Mom

Pilates and Yoga for Fit Mom

  • Post Time - 2019-08-21 04:34:22

We all what is Yoga. But what may be new to some is Pilates, which is a set of physical exercises and trainings that was introduced by a man named Joseph Pilates during the First World War to help with the rehabilitation programme for war casualties among soldiers and helped them regain their health.

While Yoga works mainly on stretching the muscles and boosting energy, Pilates works on strengthening, stretching, and stabilising certain body muscles that are responsible for the fitness of the entire human body. It’s magical really. I tried it myself.

The good thing about Yoga and Pilates is that both involve working the body well and hard but in a way that doesn’t harm the pregnant woman, as it doesn’t require sudden or tough movements such as jumping or postures that can cause any sort of harm to the baby.

There are Yoga and Pilates exercises that we designed specifically to help mommies remain fit, working on the arms legs, abdomen and the pelvic area, which increases the pregnant woman’s chances of having natural childbirth.

You can check with the nearest fitness academy or maternity hospital if they provide such classes.

And they don’t, you can try online classes that do the same. Just avail the needed tools, mainly a comfy outfit and a Yoga mat, that you will need for both Yoga and Pilates exercises. But first consult your doctor or midwife.

1- FIT MOM | PreNatal Yoga Flow 15 min Follow Along Vinyasa w/ Erica Bornstein

2- Prenatal Morning Yoga Routine

3- Prenatal Bedtime Yoga Routine

4- Prenatal yoga for core strength – 15min

5- Prenatal Yoga Workout with Celebrity Trainer, Kristin McGee!

Stay Fit, Stay Happy, Stay Well!

By: Maha Youssuf

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