7 Main Nutrients Needed for Every Woman

7 Main Nutrients Needed for Every Woman

  • Post Time - 2021-04-22 12:03:13

Whether you’re a pregnant mom, a breastfeeding mom, just a mom, or a women who doesn’t have kids, you need these 7 essential nutrients to ensure a healthy body that can fulfil the many many different tasks you have and responsibilities you’re looking after.


1- Iron, which is an essential component of red blood cells that delivers oxygen through the human body, can be found in red meat, liver (unless you’re pregnant) red  kidney beans, nuts, spinach, aubergine  such as red kidney beans, fish and chicken, which a rich in heme iron, as well as soy bean.


2- Zinc, 

You can easily increase your body share of zinc by including lentils; spy beans and products, red meat, and chicken in your daily food diet.


3- Calcium,

As for Calcium, milk, cheese and all dairy products as well as eggs, and vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and okra can be great source of daily share of calcium if included in your food diet.


4- Vitamin D, responsible for helping the human body absorb calcium and thus nourish the bones and give them the boost they need.

Staying in the sun for at least 20 or 30 minutes each day is the key to keeping a balanced level of Vitamin D in your body. But also tuna fish, mackerel and salmon, being fat types of fish,  as well as eggs, quality cheese and beef liver can be a great source of Vitamin D.


5- Magnesium

Any drop of magnesium level in the body can cause you symptoms such as limbs numbness. dizziness, frequent muscle cramps and rapid heart beats, among others.

Foods such as peanut, soymilk, almonds, spinach, oatmeal, avocado, and whole wheat bread.


6- Folate is a general component in the human body, that includes folic acid and is responsible for making DNA and helping the body cells to divide, that’s why folic acid, a specific type of folate is essential for women seeking pregnancy or actually pregnant.

Folate can be found i foods such as broccoli, most green vegetables,especially cabbage and spinach, as well as peas and kidney beans.


7- Vitamin B-12 can be found in eggs, liver, chicken, fish (especially tuna and salmon), milk (Especially skimmed milk), and quality cheese.



However maintaining a balanced food diet may not be enough. You need to make sure your body is not suffering any special lack of these elements. So from time to time do visit your doctor and take some blood tests, for perhaps he prescribes special supplements for you that will aid your body with additional share of any of these nutrients.


Know that in order for you to serve others well, let them be your family, your kids, or institution, you have to look after your health and keep a sound body, mind and soul, otherwise, the whole foundation of yourself will fall apart and you will continue feeling week, depressed and guilty of falling short of your responsibilities.


Stay healthy, maintain your brightness.

Maha Youssuf

Mamas' Guides Editor

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