7 Healthy and Easy Recipes for Baby Food

7 Healthy and Easy Recipes for Baby Food

  • Post Time - 2019-11-16 11:13:03

Your baby has been breast-fed or given formula milk for more than 5 months now and you need to start introducing solid food in a smooth and tempting way to get him/her eating. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies be olnly breast-fed for the first six months of their lives. But most doctors okays introduing solid food by the middle of the fifth month, for the process takes sometimes before your little one is really ready to eat meals.

This phase might be really messy at first, but it soon pass smoothly, and being creative with meals can help you pass this stage as easily as possible.

Here are a number of healthy recipes to introduce solid food to your baby:

1- Carrot and Orange pudding with cereals:
Boil two carrots, smash them well and add the juce of one orange to them and mix them with cereals.

2- Yoghurt (full- cream yoghurt

3- Yoghurt mixed with smashed bananas and cerelac.

4- Veggie pudding:
Boiled Carrots, potatoes, brocoli and zuccini and you can add some oats to them.

6- Rice and Chicken:
Boil a cup of white rice and add to it one full boiled chicken breast after removing the bones and mix them in the food processor. (At first try to avoid adding salt at all, or add very few grains, perhaps 1 gram. Babies' kidneys cannot handle more salt than this. And it is not recommended that Baby Food contain any salt untill 12 months.

7- Fruits pudding:
Add a cup of chopped apple, pear, orange juice and bananas to a half a cup of orange juice and put them in the mixer. 
You may add texture to all that by adding some oats.

As for the portions, you may start with 125 gm per meal (size of a Hero baby jar). And you may later on, when he gets used to solid food, move to a bigger portion (190 gm) per meal.

Mamas Guides Editorial Team.


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