Preparing Your House to Receive the Little One

Preparing Your House to Receive the Little One

  • Post Time - 2019-08-21 17:29:30

I cannot advise you to go down the baby stores, pick all stuff placed for the first year baby, whether top gear, clothes, utensills, bottles among others. But rather you need to avail things that you will need for at least the fitst 6 months, so as to save yourself the dilemma of having to go do some shopping at a time you're still trying to cope with many changes creeping into your life and a little creature who's depending entirely on you.

Ok, get a pen and a paper and prepare a list of about 10 essential items that must be there in your house, among some changes that you need to introduce to your place to ensure happy transition to a unique new life you're about to live.

1- Baby monitor.

2- Stage 1 Baby Crib (try to buy one that has relatively high walls to protect him when he's four months old and able to move freely.

3- Stroller (this will be your right hand without which you simply cannot anywhere. Make sure it can sleep flat, as your baby shouldn't sit for the first 3 months of his/her life. Also try to have it spacious and comfy, for you can use it as a mobile bed during travels in the first 6 months of his life.

4- Bottles. (For formula or breast milk used outdoors)

5- Teets.(try not to buy too many as he might not take any, but have at least two or three that has for stage 1 babies).

6- as many clothes as you can, for the first weeks include many stool and water leeks, which means he will need to change a lot.

7- Re-arrange your bedroom to place the baby crib right next to you for at least the first 3 or four months- some moms prefer to have their babies next to them for the first year. It's totally up to you, but try not to keep him in your room after one year. It will be difficult to get him out.

8- Have his room ready with at least a chair, a cupboard and a changing table.

9-  Have his skin products and toileteers ready and handy in the bathroom. Your baby will need to shower daily.

10- Make room to store delicate stuff that might be within his reach when he starts crawling. This is step 1 in baby-proofing your house, among other actions you need to take and which we will explain thoroughly and separately on Mama's Guides.

By: Maha Youssuf.

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