Baby Shopping

Baby Shopping

  • Post Time - 2019-08-12 08:11:51

Well while baby shopping may seem at first like a huge task and a real headache, it can be a lot of fun, if you have your list clearly set and written down. Do a thorough thinking homework and research to get to know the most practical way to cover all your baby needs without buying excessive stuff or missing out on important elements that must be there since day one.


* When should you go on Baby Shopping?

Not before the beginning of the second Trimester, when you get to know the gender of your baby. It will help you decide on the style and colour of the outfits and tools you will buy, as well as the theme of the room you will prepare for him or her.

* What to buy!

Okay, now consult friends and members of the family who've been mums recently about the essential and must-have stuff that you need to avail for the first 6 months. Also do your calculations based on your due date to know whether you're going to buy summer or winter outfits, or a mix of both. Also to know the sizes for each season, depending on your baby arrival. A good way of getting a clear clue of the essential list of items to buy and the best brands and their prices, join some online community and ask all the questions and check answers offered to your peer mums-to be about the best brands and shops to buy your needs. Also try to keep track of sales.

Ok so no. one write your list and you may divide it into the following:

  • Outfits, including sleeveless saloppets, others with sleeves and other full length saloppets, in addition to blankets.
  • Healthcare products
  • Food and Eating wear, including teets, feeding bottles, bottle warmer, mild bags ...etc
  • Room furniture such as the baby bed, wardrobe, changing table, bathtub...
  • Tools and equipment, which include car seats, stroller, chair.... etc.
  • Mums list and this includes nursing bras, post-delivery panties, nursing pads and the like.

You may need to also think about stuff you can include in a baby shower gifts list, this will help you in 2 different ways; 1- by avoiding many undesired and unuseful presents, 2- Cutting down on the huge budget you need to avail.

* Online Shopping

It's wise to start shopping as early as the fourth or the fifth month of pregnancy when you're still light and fit to walk and roam all baby shops and shopping malls to buy what you need. It will also give you room to buy your stuff on stages so as not to sacrifice a huge budget all of a sudden.

But if you ran out of time and you need to do last minute shopping, or have already reached the late weeks of pregnancy and feel heavy and unfit to move, then online shopping is your saviour. Get a list of links to a number of credible online shopping destinations to buy from. Also join Facebook groups where mums sell baby stuff that they bought but perhaps never used. This increases your chances of buying good brands at discounted prices.

Maha Youssuf

Mama's Guides Editor


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