Pregnancy Week 15 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Lemon

Pregnancy Week 15 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Lemon

  • Post Time - 2019-11-18 11:16:12

Starting your week 15, you are carrying more signs of pregnancy, especially having glowing skin, back pain, more mood swings. You may also be feeling more accustomed to the set of vitamins and prescriptions you were advised to take by your doctor. By now you should be having regular visit to your doctor, done all needed blood and other tests to make sure your baby is well and healthy as well as your own self.

Dizziness and nausea are becoming more rare. They might actually disappear totally at this stage of your pregnancy, depending on the nature of your body and pregnancy.

However some of the unexpected symptoms of pregnancy that you will encounter at this stage is running nose, it’s called “rhinitis of pregnancy.” You may as well experience infrequent nose bleeds. This shouldn’t worry you. But keep your doctor updated about any change you feel or face, whether you’re familiar with such symptom or not.

Don’t panic if you doctor asked you to have amniocentesis, anytime between the 14th and the 18th week. This is done regularly to make sure that there are no genetic or chromosomal disorders in your baby. In more than 90% of cases, tests turn out to be Okay!

Your growing more energetic than before at this stage of pregnancy, and this may help you and your partner have more good time to overcome a natural feeling of nervousness and stress because of thinking of the baby, how to handle him and the responsibilities you’re about to handle in the future.

At this stage your baby can sense the light, or the difference of light strength surrounding you, which makes it dim or dimmer at his compartment inside you. Also his legs are growing more to become longer than his arms.

However his eyelids are still shut. He is about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs around 2 1/2 ounces.

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