Pregnancy Is ...

Pregnancy Is ...

  • Post Time - 2019-08-12 20:28:50

Pregnancy is holding inside the outcome of love exchanged between you and your partner, your soul mate, husband and the person you have most intimate relation with. And this should mean a lot. At the early stages of your pregnancy you might be confused by the conflicting feelings and emotions bursting in you.


At times you will feel extremely joyed, at others you will feel worried, exhausted, worried, bored (as a result of restricting much of the activities you used to practice before pregnancy). Also sometimes you will miss the old you, the light free girl who is full of energy and willingness to roam the world, climb the steepest mountains, dive down the deepest oceans and reach to the sky.

I’m not saying you should feel okay with this dilemma, but I will try to help you on setting alternatives and busying your mind with a nicer perception of pregnancy and how it can impact your life nicely.

You can do all activities you like (with a very slight bit of restrictions) starting your second trimster, after consulting your midwife or doctor. And you can fully practice them after a month or two after giving birth to your little angel, as long as you can sort out a plan for who can be taking care of him or her- as it must be someone you trust, such as your mother.

Apart from that, you need to open your heart for some changes and open your mind for making such change create a better, a way better type of life. At the end of the day, happiness is a choice. So chose to make your life as a mother a happy one. Only then you will anticipate your the arrival of your new baby to your life and want it so much that you will no more look behind…

Have a happy pregnancy…

Maha Youssuf

Mama's Guides Editor

6 Comment

2019-08-15 12:30:45


hello remo

2019-08-14 17:48:53



2019-08-14 17:44:25



2019-08-14 17:42:41


dsf sfd sdf sd fsd fsd fs df s

2019-08-14 17:37:17




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