Time- Tested Pregnancy Tips

Time- Tested Pregnancy Tips

  • Post Time - 2019-08-10 23:48:34

Here are a number of tips and advices that helped me a lot throughout my pregnancy, in nearly all stages, and which I feel grateful for curbing much of the popular pregnancy uneasiness which most of mums face and find really challenging- Some you will find communicated and explained briefly in several posts here.

1- Eat small portions of food and eat many times, at least 5 meals a day.

2- Avoid greasy food, especially junk.

3- Drink plenty of water and liquids.

4- Eat foods that are rich in fibres, especially fruits and vegetables.

5- Cut your intake of caffeine, and if you can, avoid it completely.

6- Wear Cotton stuff, especially underwear.

7- Watch your weight, gaining much weight will have a negative impact on you, both physically and psychologically. Putting on much weight will make you feel heavy and will maximise any risk of skin or bones damage or weakness that may befall you during pregnancy. Furthermore it will make you feel ugly and strange.

8- Embark on as much activities as you can, it will help you pass the time and feel productive and lively.

9- Start a project that you can commence with the beginning of your pregnancy and finalise it when you approach delivery. For instance start a book project,  a new freelance job, a tapestry, an outline plan for a small company… etc. This will leave a great feeling inside of you by the end of pregnancy, realising that you haven’t been just lying idle for 9 months doing absolutely nothing but waiting.

10- Pray, pray and pray. Supplicate that God gives you strength and alleviate much of the physical, psychological and emotional burden you carry throughout pregnancy.

11- Plan, always be in a state of planning and setting goals, nothing makes time pass than working on plans and fine-tuning them. Plan for postpartum new look, new trip, new lifestyle, new set of activities, new objectives.

12- Listen to music and watch movies.

13- Relax as much as you can.

14- Pack a good share of positive energy by reading or listening to audio books that educates you on way to stay positive and shiny, nothing will help you more to escape inevitable pregnancy blues.

15- Plan well for postpartum phase, Put a plan that covers at least the first 3 months after delivery.

16- Don’t watch labor videos, they have the worst impact ever, pouring much fear and disgust onto you.

17- Rather watch and listen to tutorials about pregnancy fitness or how to give your baby the first shower, change his/her diaper and the like- Bottom gain information rather than gaining fear.

18- Join a mums-to- be community, whether in your area or online. This may be something that I didn’t get the chance to try myself, but heard of its great impact.

19- Stay beautiful and take good care of your personal cleanness.

20- Over and above; feel grateful for being gifted the chance of being a mother.

By the way.. I applied these helpful tips through my pregnancy and they kind of saved my life and provided me with the chance to have a great pregnancy experience.

Have a very happy pregnancy!

By: Maha Youssuf

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