Week 10 Pregnancy

Week 10 Pregnancy

  • Post Time - 2019-11-06 17:07:26

Your baby now is at the size of kumquat, still very tiny to impact the size of your belly.

You’re in a fetal period of your pregnancy, given the fact that vital parts of your baby are starting to grow and function, such as the kidneys, the nervous system, the heart organs, intestines and liver.

You need to pay strict attention to healthy food and stay away from unrecommended and harmful foods such as uncooked meats and fish. Also uncooked eggs and mayonnaise.

Pay regular visits to your doctor of midwife and have regular ultrasound checking to make sure your baby is healthily growing.

Try to put up with the many mood swings you will be facing during this phase, and know that they will soon pass away.

Mama's Guides Team

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