Week 13 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Peapod

Week 13 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Peapod

  • Post Time - 2019-11-17 12:47:08

You’re about to bid farewell your first trimster with all its annoying symptoms and pains, to welcome a more relaxing period that will extend for three, or four months, up till the seventh month.You may still be suffering vomiting and nausea, but they’re becoming less frequent and perhaps a bit weaker. Also the good news is that risks of miscarriage are lowered, which may help you feel less nervous.

Your breasts are becoming increasingly heavier. This part of your body is perhaps the first to carry signs of pregnancy, way before your belly and the rest of your body.

At this stage of your pregnancy the type of food you eat is very important. You must focus more on protein, fibers, fruits, vegetables and pay less attention to carbohydrates.

By now you must have already made up your mind regarding the doctor with whom you’re going to follow up on your pregnancy and as well as the hospital where you plan to have your delivery. It’s important as it will give you a sense of settlement.

It’s better to chose a doctor whose clinic is as much advanced as possible with ultrasonic machines as well as other equipment needed for a healthy follow up and regular chekup on your baby’s health. This is needed so that you don’t have to visit many places throughout your pregnancy to have the needed tests.

Try to make the doctor and the hospital as close to your place as possible. It will make your life a lot more easier and will save you much time and pain have to spend much time in traffic to get to the doctor, and later on the hospital for delivery. You will appreciate this advice very much if you live in a traffic city such as myself, as I live in Cairo, Egypt.

As for your baby’s development, he’s now starting to swallow and urinate amniotic fluid and developing his own unique fingerprints.

His head is becoming more proportional with the rest of his body.

Mama's Guides Team

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