Week 14 Pregnancy- Baby The Size of A Lime

Week 14 Pregnancy- Baby The Size of A Lime

  • Post Time - 2019-11-18 11:14:37

Welcome to your second trimester of pregnancy, where much of the annoying symptoms of the first 13 weeks are fading away, giving room to more enjoyment of the pregnancy experience. Now you are more at ease with your pregnant body, which hasn’t grown much until now, but has surely undergone some changes. Now your baby is at the size of a lemon.

You will start having more food cravings, feel even though for some women they don’t feel like adding more to their feeling of heaviness. You are still suffering much mood swings as well. But the good news is that you will start regaining much of your energy, which has been fading over the past three months. You don’t feel as exhausted and weak as before.

Although your belly hasn’t pumped up yet, your torso and waist at this point have undergone a great change. This is natural since the top of your uterus is now more above your pubic bone, and this will make your tummy look more full.

Thanks to advanced technology, ultrasound and other prenatal testing can tell you at this week what’s the sex of the baby.

Have faith things will just go fine.

Best way to overcome any feelings of worry, uneasiness or discomfort at this stage or during any other stage during pregnancy is to connect to your Lord and seek His help. Also keep the connection with your partner sound and strong, you both need it.. and the baby too, who’s now starting to have very fine hair covering all of his tinny body. Also he’s starting to develop facial expressions such as frowning and the like 

You’re still going through one of the most life altering journeys in your life, so enjoy the ride.

Mama's Guides Team

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