Week 23 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Mango

Week 23 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Mango

  • Post Time - 2019-11-18 11:45:25

You’re still trough the easy phase of pregnancy, and I advise you to make the best of it. Shop all your needs, finalise all your plans and scan the shopping malls as much as you can. For in later weeks, while you’ll still be advised to move and walk a lot, you’ll have a hard time running long errands and walking continuously for a long periods of time.

Your bump is growing, but you’re not too heavy yet, some may even not recognise that you’re pregnancy yet, especially if this is your first pregnancy.

Start buy all your baby needs and planning for his room. Make it a fun process and enjoy it to the fullest. Try to make a cosy place for your baby where you can enjoy it with him- remember, you will be present, a lot, in his room, so make it a nice place that you enjoy being in with him.

If you haven’t already started, start establishing the bond with you baby, whose now at the size of a big mango, by singing and talking to him- he’s now starting to recognise your voice and farther sounds like door bells and loud alarms.

Turn on music from time to time, he’ll surely love that.

Also start outlining a plan for your delivery, such as where will you deliver your baby, who is the doctor who’s going to help you, where will you spend that early weeks following your delivery and how you’ll get the needed help.

Having full control over the situation will lessen your panic as delivery date draws near. Also start setting some nice plans for you personally. For example, buy yourself a number of new lingerie, also plan for a new look that would involve a new hair color or cut, a whole set of new outfits, this will help you regain your figure quickly and easily.

By now you’ll recognise that you’re gaining weight much much more than before, this is partially due to the fact that your baby is growing faster and bigger and partially due a relative increase in your rate of water retention. Start exercising much and walking everyday. Also drink as much water as you can, this will help you get read of the excess water in your body, although some mistakenly think the opposite is true.

Mama's Guides Team

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