Week 26 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Cabbage

Week 26 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Cabbage

  • Post Time - 2019-11-18 12:22:41

Plus your plans to join childbirth classes, prepare the baby’s room and other logistics, don’t forget to stay connected to your little one, who’s now drawing close tot the finish line to come and join your very special world. Always remember that you too matter.. a lot! So get your fair share of rest, fun, healthy food and drink plenty of water. Keep in mind that a healthy mom means a healthy baby, for a long time to come.

Start exercising, but first consult your doctor or mid wife.

You might have been facing all sorts of symptoms relating to low blood pressure over the past months of your pregnancy. But starting now, you will notice that your blood pressure will begin to pick up, which means that you need to pay wise attention to salty food which you might have needed at an early stage to help your blood pressure reach convenient level. In the coming weeks, the last thing you will need is much water retention, which means, again, that you need to curb your intake of salt and salty food.

It’s nice to keep yourself busy these weeks with some important tasks that you need to fulfil before you grow even more heavier, such as the baby shopping, preparing his room, arranging for the childbirth and the like.

Just make sure you don’t consume your mind too much or overthink, especially that at this phase you’re becoming more anxious and sensitive, to any change, any challenges, or any overthinking, so keep that in mind.

Having nice, postpartum plans will help uplift your mood. For example, you can buy yourself a number of new outfits and a pair of comfy sneakers that will raise your expectations and aspirations that you can still continue be and feel beautiful after delivery.

Start attending classes that will help you understand more about natural delivery, that if you plan to have natural childbirth. Also check in your community if there is a place that offers parents-to- be early parenting and how to handle newborns. This will make you feel more familiar with the coming important phase of your life and which you have no idea about.

Bottom line, continue to make the best use of your time and the remaining weeks of pregnancy.

Mama's Guides Team

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