Week 28 Pregnancy- Baby Size of An Eggplant

Week 28 Pregnancy- Baby Size of An Eggplant

  • Post Time - 2019-11-19 10:50:04

You will now face a set of new symptoms, such frequent visits to the toilette as result of much weight placed on the uterus and bladder which will cause you to urinate a lot more the coming weeks.

If you haven’t experienced heartburns before you will now feel it more regularly, especially with big meals. You can ask your doctor to prescribe a helpful medication for that and you can as well resort to natural remedies such as green tea and drinking a small cup of cold milk, it’s amazing!

You will now face much swelling in your hands and on a later stage your feet, which gets worse often during your night sleep, you can stretch your hands and fingers and raise them up, this will help you feel much relieved.

Your baby is now growing faster than before and this should bring forth a set of whole new symptoms and changes. But the good news is that you’re drawing closer to the end when you will retain your normal light body and receive your baby.. So stay cheerful and calm!

Your baby now is having frequent hiccups which you will feel like gentle fluctuations at the very lower parts of your abdomen and uterus.

You will start feeing frequent sense of pressure at the bottom of your pressure which will be more sensed when walking and standing for long periods of time, and this you should avoid.

At this stage your baby can now open and close his eyes and enjoys healthy eyelashes!

Mama's Guides Team

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