Week 29 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Butternut Squash

Week 29 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Butternut Squash

  • Post Time - 2019-11-19 10:52:48

You may now start feeling heavier, as in really heavy, especially going up the stairs, you will feel as if you’re carrying heavy luggages. This is the weight of your growing baby, increasing amount of amniotic fluid inside your placenta, and the placenta itself which has grown bigger and is surely weighing heavier.

This is is putting on much weight and pressure on your uterus and legs, thus you need to avoid standing for a long period, also make sure you raise your legs on a front chair while sitting to avoid much unwanted swelling in your legs.

This weight is also cause by increasing level of water retention all over your body, one famous symptom of pregnancy, which you will get rid of only after delivery.

Among other symptoms that may erupt at this stage and which you may find annoying is Hemorrhoids, having the veins at the very end of your rectum and anus swollen. This is cause by continuous constipation or the heaving weight placed on your uterus. Consult your doctor and she will advise you to use some medication, perhaps gel or cream that will eliminate any possible pain.

Many pregnancy women, nearly over 70% of pregnant women face something called carpal tunnel syndrome, some pain in the fingers, hand, or wrist and which worse more often at night. The pain lies exactly at the very bottom of the thumb and the top of your wrist.

In most cases this syndrome ends, which normally surfaces during the Second and the Third Trimster due to increasing water retention, with delivery, on condition not to use your aching hand and wrist continuously in a way that makes pain worse. Also you may consult a physiotherapist who will advise you to use a splint or a brace to stabilise your wrist position, and this will help relieve your pain a lot. Also practicing yoga can be a helpful way to strength your hand and eliminate the pain in your hand.

Approaching the last ten weeks of your pregnancy you can easily guess the weight you will reach by the end of your pregnancy. So start checking your weight schedule which you’re supposed to have been handed by your doctor, and if you not you can get it anywhere online, to make sure you don’t put on too much weight during your journey through pregnancy. You still have a good chance to watch your weight the coming weeks- especially that with your growing belly will make you already feel heavy and naturally in need to avoid additional feeling of heaviness.

Eat more vegetables and fibres, this will also help you feel full, yet light, and avoid constipation.

Mama's Guides Team


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