Week 31 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Coconut

Week 31 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Coconut

  • Post Time - 2019-11-19 12:37:05

You must by now feel that your bump has grown quite huge, as your baby reach the size of a bug, as in really big coconut fruit. A number of old signs of pregnancy are now back to haunt you, but don’t worry, you’re now an expert in dealing with tiredness, mood swings, constant urination, dizziness, heartburn and the like, pretty much similar to pregnancy symptoms you faced in the early weeks.

One good way of escaping a persisting sense of anxiety that may result from getting close to the finish line is attending antenatal classes, whether in a community club or online. This will help ease the tension bombarding your head as it will make you feel more in control as you know what exactly you’re about to face.

Your baby has now grown really big and is yet to grow even bigger, with a faster pace, the coming weeks. This may reflect in feeling breathless that may badly impact your sleep, causing you to wake up for sometime during the night. Try to deal with this by finding a mild nice activity you can do on your own, such as online shopping, jotting down some nice plans for a new look, new project, family gathering and the like. You can also start watching TV series aired late in the night, you can turn this into a routine- it will make you feel better and help you deal more calmly with something that can be quite annoying; sleep disorder. Also try to have short naps during the day. You will need that a lot when your baby arrives.

  • Braxton Hicks

    A major symptom of this phase is Braxton Hicks which entails that your uterus might be going through some pressure and tickling feeling of tightening and relaxing every now and then, such contractions are called Braxton Hicks and most women normally face in the the late weeks of pregnancy- don’t worry for as long as they’re infrequent, then they’re nothing to worry about. Some women mistaken such contraction for labor contractions, but fact of the matter, they’re not.
  • However Braxton Hicks are a sign that you need to start resting and limiting your movement, standing and walking.

    The more you rest the coming weeks the more your anxiety will loosen up and the lighter you will feel the impact of the persisting symptoms of pregnancy, especially the feeling of heaviness. Also by relaxing you’re controlling the spread of stretch marks, swelling and spider veins.

  • Hospital Bag

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