Week 6 Pregnancy

Week 6 Pregnancy

  • Post Time - 2019-08-21 17:03:11

At this stage you're still suffering some fatigueness even though your baby is at the size of a lentil, which makes you do not seem the least like pregnant. You’re still at the early days or may be half way through your second month.

For many women, being pregnant is discovered around this week, not before and rarely after. It’s normally at the Fifth or the Sixth week of pregnancy that you miss your period and start feeling dizzy, sleepy and week and so decide to take a pregnancy blood test.

Fluctuating hormones will make you go through bad times with your mood swings. But knowing this should make you a bit alert to that and relax a little bit.

Now that you’re 100% sure that you’re pregnant, start looking for a reliable and trusted doctor to follow up on your pregnancy. Also start setting plans with your partner, some project or a list of small projects or to dos list to fulfil and end during the course of pregnancy.

Also exchange your both thinking and aspirations with regard to the baby.

Try as much as you can to have your husband accompany you in each of your doctor’s visit. It’s important that he provides you with a much needed spiritual and emotional support. Also normally you will feel nervous at the doctor’s clinic and you will miss half of the information she/he will dictate you. So having someone you can trust with you can be of a huge help.

Also some information require that both of you be there together.

At this stage and up till the fourth month, try not to engage in full sexual intercourse more than once a week. And in case of any complications, such as unexpected pain or bleeding, stop and you may consult your doctor as soon as you can.

By: Maha Youssuf

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