
Week 13 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Peapod

Week 13 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Peapod

You’re about to bid farewell your first trimster with all its annoying symptoms and pains, to welcome a more relaxing period that will extend for three, or four months, up till the seventh month.You may still be suffering vomiting and nausea, but they’re becoming less frequent and perhaps a bit weaker. Also the good news is that risks of miscarriage are lowered, which may help you feel less nervous.
Week 8 Pregnancy

Week 8 Pregnancy

At this week ending your second month and getting into the third month of your pregnancy you’re starting to feel some uneasiness at your stomach, with the nightmare of “Nausea” and perhaps vomiting hovering over.
Week 9 Pregnancy

Week 9 Pregnancy

You don’t look pregnant yet, but behind the scenes, you might be suffering the worst symptoms of pregnancy characterising this phase, namely nausea and mood swings as well as vomiting. Morning sickness is at its peak, but know that it won’t last more than a few weeks.
Week 10 Pregnancy

Week 10 Pregnancy

You’re now half way through the third month, still without much seen signs of pregnancy but with a lot going on inside your body. Your belly is not showing, but your breasts have already grow larger than they used to be and you will need to get a pair of one size bigger bra.
Week 11 Pregnancy

Week 11 Pregnancy

You’re now in the middle of your third month. You’re finally able to listen to the heartbeats of the baby as clear as door knocks. He now started looking more like a baby than just a fetus.
Week 12 Pregnancy- Baby Size of An Apricot

Week 12 Pregnancy- Baby Size of An Apricot

Reaching Week 12, you’ve probably have noticed that you have relatively gained weight and that some some physical changes have affected your shape. Your belly hasn’t really grown evident, but your waist has definitely grew a bit larger, depending on your fitness level.
Week 5 Pregnancy

Week 5 Pregnancy

Pregnancy is holding inside the outcome of love exchanged between you and your partner, your soul mate, husband and the person you have most intimate relation with. And this should mean a lot. At the early stages of your pregnancy you might be confused by the conflicting feelings and emotions bursting in you.
Week 4 Pregnancy

Week 4 Pregnancy

The coming weeks you will be required to make many blood tests to make sure your health is well and to have clear idea about the medication you need in this early stage of your pregnancy.
Weeks 1-3 Pregnancy

Weeks 1-3 Pregnancy

The first three weeks of your pregnancy normally unrecognised, despite their vitality. I do not wish to make you worry, but it’s during these early three weeks that miscarriages are most recurring.
Week 6 Pregnancy

Week 6 Pregnancy

At this stage you're still suffering some fatigueness even though your baby is at the size of a lentil, which makes you do not seem the least like pregnant. You’re still at the early days or may be half way through your second month.
Week 7 Pregnancy

Week 7 Pregnancy

With your baby still at the size of a blueberry, you shouldn’t have grown much fuller than your normal size and weight before pregnancy. But you feel a little bit heavier, that’s the  work of the progesterone hormone that’s impacting your body; mainly breasts and uterus.

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