
How To Be A Relaxed Mom

How To Be A Relaxed Mom

Being a mother who is relaxed and not stressed out isn't about ignoring house chores or achieving some far fetched state of zen. Rather it’s about having better time-management skills and ability to delegate and focus more on your well-being. Yes; your well-being comes first! It’s also about finding joy in the everyday moments, regardless of the so many things that are required from you, as mom, wife and an individual. Also it is about prioritising your care-free state of mind and the quality time you spend with your loved ones, rather than ending the day feeling like some super hero who achieved what should not be achieved by a single person in a single day.
10 Ways Parents Can Benefit from Black Friday Offers

10 Ways Parents Can Benefit from Black Friday Offers

No matter how small your budget is, you as a parent have a great chance to find marvelous deals on Black Friday that you and your kids will just enjoy and benefit from. Just be sure to shop at the right time and in the right place. Also remember to compare prices before making any purchases, for during Black Friday Sale, prices may greatly vary.
How to Handle Your Child's Social Challenges

How to Handle Your Child's Social Challenges

Your child will always need you to help him face and handle his social hurdles with his school friends and classmates as they can be a tough obstacle hampering his attempts to integrate and mingle.
Life Lessons to Teach Your Child that Will Change His Life

Life Lessons to Teach Your Child that Will Change His Life

A great share of a person's knowledge about life and his his personality is shaped by his dealing with those who are the closest to him, namely, his mom and dad and probably siblings- especially if he or she has older siblings. And this is a great chance for parents to seize and pour into his perception and mentality some of the golden lessons about life that are capable of shifting the way he or she will perceive and live their lives forever and for good.
Life as a Mom.. Golden Rule for An Organised Home and Family

Life as a Mom.. Golden Rule for An Organised Home and Family

Being a mom doesn't mean that you have to run all day cleaning, cooking, doing the laundry and cleaning up the mess cause by kids. It also doesn't have to mean that you have to forsake your career entirely to serve your duty as a mom.
Meditation: A Hero Fighting CoronaVirus

Meditation: A Hero Fighting CoronaVirus

Many people, especial moms, are having a hard time keeping up with the stress caused by Coronavirus, partly out of fear of infection and partly because of the mess that might be cause by kids spending much time at home as a result of the pandemic. When asked, many people, particularly moms, said that meditation has helped them a great deal in their battle during the noise cause by this pandemic, and for some, it helped them recover after getting infeced.
Inspirational Pregnancy Quotes

Inspirational Pregnancy Quotes

When I first discovered that I am pregnant after about 2 years of marriage, during which we didn’t seek to have babies before everything was settled in me and my partner’s life. 
Pilates and Yoga for Fit Mom

Pilates and Yoga for Fit Mom

We all what is Yoga. But what may be new to some is Pilates, which is a set of physical exercises and trainings that was introduced by a man named Joseph Pilates during the First World War to help with the rehabilitation programme for war casualties among soldiers and helped them regain their health.

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