6 Tips for Healthy Pregnancy Nutrition

6 Tips for Healthy Pregnancy Nutrition

  • Post Time - 2019-08-21 04:36:04

Following a balanced healthy diet during pregnancy can be of great help keeping your body both sound and fit, let alone minimising many unwanted risks and ugly pregnancy symptoms such as constipation, hight blood pressure, skin acne, among others. Here I will mention 6 extracts that you need to include in your food, and six foods that you need to totally avoid.

* Foods you should eat;

1- Zinc, which is essential for sound development of your baby since it’s a small blood clot until delivery. Best foods that can provide you with a good share of zinc are turkey, onions, ginger, chicken, shrimps, meat, fish, beans, peanut butter,dairy products, nuts, sunflower seeds, bran, cereals, lentils and eggs.

2- Fibres, and they’re generally found in fruits and vegetables. Aim for five fruits each day of any type you prefer. As for vegetables, Lettus, cucumber and green fresh veggies of any type are abundant with fibres which, besides keep your body hydrated and light, protect you against constipation, a popular pregnancy enemy you wouldn’t like to face. Similarly, fibres will protect you agains developing hemorrhoid, another pregnancy enemy that most women develop as a result of having the fetus body growing and putting much weight inside.

3- Vitamins, and they’re found in fruits, especially fruits.

4- Calcium, Plan to have a fair share of calcium by eating dairy products, especially skimmed milk, yoghurt and cheese. Skimmed dairy products are known to be rich in calcium even far more that those which are full cream. You can also get calcium soybeans, broccoli and okra.

5- Iron, and it’s found richly in aubergine, veal, chicken and turkey. It’s also found in tuna and chicken liver but these two should be totally avoided during pregnancy, especially the Trimester.

6- Proteins, and as most of us know they’re mostly found in meat, chicken, dairy products and eggs.

* Foods you should avoid;

1- Half or Uncooked food and meat, especially sea food, such as sushi. Also Mayonnaise and half cooked eggs.

2- Big No to Tuna and liver.

3- Cinnamon drinks and foods.

4- Fatty food, as it causes you to put on much unwanted weight and causes heartburn and stomach problems.

5- Too much starch and carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, white bread and potatoes as they cause the baby to grow larger than normal, which is something you wouldn’t like to happen, especially if you wish to have natural childbirth.

6- Fast food and Junk foods, and those from incredible resources, as they put you at the risk of getting poisoned or harmed, God forbids.

By: Maha Youssuf

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