Week 19 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Tomato

Week 19 Pregnancy- Baby Size of A Tomato

  • Post Time - 2019-11-18 11:30:36

If your belly hasn’t already started growing, it will starting this week, and is expected to grow far more faster than the weeks before. You’re still going through the safe and relaxing period of pregnancy and of course the second trimester, which will last until the 28th week.

You will start now undergoing many and different physiological changes, some of which you will feel evident and some will go unrecognised.

For example, one evident symptom of pregnancy you’ll start witnessing this week is a fine vertical line in your belly,running from your belly button to your pubic bone. It is not a stretch mark that you should worry about, but rather one physiological change that’s a must for pregnancy and which will fade after delivery. Be sure of that.

Also beware of your tooth health. During pregnancy you’re more prone to having gum diseases so make sure you pay regular visits to a good dentist that you can trust.

You will start noticing that you’re heavier, especially when getting out of bed. So easy on yourself. Roll on your side until you flip, gently out of bed .

You might also wake up feeling some pain in your hands and fingers, that’s very normal for many pregnancy women. It’s low level of vitamin B, consult your doctor and seek his or her advise!

As for the development of your baby. He’s now more than 10 cm long, about the size of a heirloom tomato.

Have a nice second trimster.

Mama's Guides Team

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